These designer brands turned out to have such cheap handbags


    Do you like to buy designer handbags online? One of my favorite things to do is compare handbag prices on websites. There are tons of cheap designer bags out there, but I always wonder what the cheapest bags are? Which brands come from, and sometimes I am pleasantly surprised by the real thing. For example, last summer I bought a Loewe bag online that looked like it would cost at least a few hundred dollars. So a slightly less expensive style might be a smart choice for a number of reasons.

    Below, I've highlighted some of the most coveted designer bag brands (such as Gucci, Balenciaga, Prada, and more) and selected the cheapest bags that are "worth it" from each brand. They're all perfect for summer or even year round and will enhance all your outfits exponentially - trust me.




    Rive Gauche raffia pouch

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    This logo clutch is the beginning of a great night-out look.

    Small Leather-Trimmed Woven Raffia Tote

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    It's rare that a raffia bag can work as an everyday bag, but this is an exception.


    Small Cubi Anagram Jacquard & Calfskin Shoulder Bag

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    This is the bag I was referring to that I got last summer (in cream), and it was honestly worth every penny.


    Leather-Trimmed Basket Tote

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    If you want something fun and trendy for summer, this one's for you.


    Ophidia GG Mini Bag

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    Thanks to options like this, I'll never grow tired of mini bags.


    Marmont Half-Moon-Shaped Mini Bag

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    This is adorable and also a good price for an all-leather Gucci bag.


    Mini Cassette Intrecciato Leather Crossbody Bag

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    If you want a designer bag in a trendy color, this one's for you.


    La Medusa Mini leather shoulder bag

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    When good things come in small packages.


    Medium Olivia Leather Hobo Bag

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    I'm positive that this would get tons of wear.


    Le Sac Rond Satchel

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    This abstract shape will get you lots of compliments.


    Le Chiquito Bag

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    A classic that never fails.

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